
Table of Contents

  1. Overview - What is the mock module?

  2. Usage - Configuration and customization options

  3. Development - Guide for contributing to the module

  4. Further Information


This module manages the basics to begin using mock to rebuild RPMs.


Class: mock

By default this class performs the following actions.

  • Includes the epel class

  • Creates the mock group

  • Installs the mock package

Define the class with default parameters.

class { 'mock': }

Add users to mock group

class { 'mock':
  group_members => ['user1', 'user2'],

Disable management of the mock group.

class { 'mock':
  manage_group  => false,

To remove the mock group and the mock package

class { 'mock':
  ensure  => 'absent',




This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 4.7 and higher.

This module has been tested on:

  • CentOS 6/7



Testing requires the following dependencies:

  • rake

  • bundler

Install gem dependencies

bundle install

Run unit tests

bundle exec rake test

If you have Vagrant >= 1.2.0 installed you can run acceptance tests

bundle exec rake beaker

Further Information