Resource Type: slurmdbd_conn_validator

Defined in:


Verify that a connection can be successfully established between a node and the slurmdbd server. Its primary use is as a precondition to prevent configuration changes from being applied if the slurmdbd server cannot be reached.


  • ensure (defaults to: present)

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    Supported values:
    • present
    • absent


  • name (namevar)

    An arbitrary name used as the identity of the resource.

  • provider

    The specific backend to use for this slurmdbd_conn_validator resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.

  • timeout (defaults to: 30)

    The max number of seconds that the validator should wait before giving up and deciding that slurmdbd is not running; defaults to 30 seconds.